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Lord's Bushes

131ac/53ha  SSSI (part)

Grid ref: TQ 413 935

Updated 31/12/2023.

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Lord's Bushes has many veteran oak and hornbeam pollards and many beech trees as well, some showing signs of old age. Among a variety of other tree species, along the eastern boundary is a grove of wild service trees, an indicator of ancient woodland.

Wide pathways cross the wood, fringed by gorse, sheep's sorrel and pendulous sedge.

Formerly a landscaped garden, Knighton Wood has a mixture of trees – mainly oak, hornbeam and beech with a scattering of exotics – and an attractive lake with islands.


North of Woodford, east of A121 High Road Woodford Green. SatNav: IG9 5HH.

Buckhurst Hill and Roding Valley tube stations are a few minutes' walk.

Accessible at all times.

An easy access path runs in a loop alongside the lake in Knightons Wood.

© Glyn Baker