Native plants for the wildlife pond
You need three different types of plant in any pool:
Submerged and floating plants to serve as oxygenators
Essential to a healthy pond because they supply the oxygen that pond animals need and use up dissolved nutrients.
Submerged plants with floating leaves
You should have enough to cover about half the surface of the pond, to avoid problems with excessive algal growth. Water lilies come in a wide range of colours and sizes and are valuable for this purpose as well as being decorative. Native species are too vigorous for any but large ponds. The table lists other suitable native plants.
Marginal plants, in shallow water at the pond edge
They contribute shade and cover for animals and make up much of pond's visual appeal. They are also used by creatures such as dragonfly nymphs to crawl up out of the water to pupate.
Depth (cm) | Height (cm) | Flower time | Flower colour | |
Shallow-water marginal plants | ||||
Sweet flag Acorus calamus | 5-10 | 60 | - | |
Flowering rush Butomus umbellatus | 7-20 | 75 | 6-7 | pink |
Bog arum Calla palustris | 5-15 | 15 | 6-7 | white |
Marsh marigold Caltha palustris | 5-15 | 45 | 3-4 | yellow |
*Bog bean Menyanthes trifoliata | 5-30 | 30 | 4-5 | pink |
*Lesser spearwort Ranunculus flammula | 5-20 | 25 | 6-9 | yellow |
*Brooklime Veronica beccabunga | 0-15 | 25 | 6-8 | blue |
Submerged plants | ||||
*Water violet Hottonia palustris | 90 | 15 | 5-6 | lilac |
Fringed water-lily Nymphoides peltata | 25-50 | - | 6-8 | yellow |
Floating pondweed Potamogeton natans | 5-8 | green | ||
* These are vigorous plants: use with care in a small pond! | ||||
Floating plants/oxygenators | ||||
Water starwort Callitriche autumnalis | ||||
Hornwort Ceratophyllum demersum | ||||
Frogbit Hydrocharis morsus-ranae | ||||
Water milfoil Myriophyllum spicatum | ||||
Curly pondweed Potamogeton crispus | ||||
Native plants to avoid unless you enjoy clearing the pond! | ||||
Water plantain Alisma plantago | ||||
Sweet grass Glyceria spp | ||||
Yellow flag Iris pseudacorus | ||||
Duckweed Lemna minor | ||||
Water mint Mentha aquatica | ||||
Water forget-me-not Myosotis scorpioides | ||||
Water crowfoot Ranunculus aquatilis | ||||
Greater spearwort Ranunculus lingua | ||||
Arrowhead Sagittaria sagittifolia | ||||
Branched burr-reed Sparganium erectum | ||||
Reedmace Typha angustifolia/latifolia |