Belongs to: thrushes

Compare with: mistle thrush

Song thrush (nesting) Turdus philomelos

BoCC Red list

Best time to see: mid Mar to mid Jul

Key facts

Familiar medium-sized brown bird with speckled front, known for its habit of smashing snail shells

Sings at almost any time of the year, starting in January when it establishes a breeding territory

Widespread and still common resident, but much less common than it used to be


Brown back, white neatly spotted with black below, with yellow wash on breast; 22–24 cm

Hops or walks about on the ground looking for food; perches openly to sing its vigorous song

Eats worms, insects, seeds and berries, and snails when other food is scarce, smashing them on a convenient 'anvil'


Flying to the nest site, usually at head height in bushes or on ledges, with dry grass, leaves or food

Singing regularly in the breeding season (March–July): strong clear short phrases, each repeated three times

Feeding their young in cover or on the ground for a couple of weeks after they leave the nest

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© David Harrison