Chalkney Wood
200ac/81ha SSSI
Grid ref: TL 872 273
Updated 31/12/2023.
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Chalkney Wood is unusual in its great variety and also contains the greatest concentration of small-leaved lime trees in Essex. Small-leaved lime is the dominant species in much of the southern part of the wood, which is on a boulder clay soil. This gives way to London clay as the land falls towards the River Colne in the north, and as it falls so the natural vegetation contains more and more hornbeam.
The south-western part is owned and managed by Essex County Council. The remainder, running down to the River Colne, is owned by Forestry Commission who planted up much of it with conifers. As these conifers are harvested, the original native trees are being allowed to grow through and take their place.
Probably because of a patch of particularly chalky soil, the southern corner contains a mix of ash, hazel, holly, field maple and wild cherry, with wild currant growing beneath them. Along the north-western edge are a number of alder valleys fed by springs, where marsh marigold, opposite-leaved golden saxifrage and wild garlic grow. Here and there are patches of aspen, a wild service tree or two, oak, sweet chestnut and elm.
Bluebells, wood anemones and primroses cover the woodland floor in different parts of the wood, especially in the areas that have been coppiced recently. .
Main entrance about a mile down a minor road leaving the A1124 (Colchester–Halstead) between Earls Colne and White Colne, heading south. It can also be entered from the north via a footpath running south from the A1124 at White Colne to Chalkney Mill. SatNav: CO6 2LD.
Bus services between Colchester and Halstead run along the A1124.
Accessible at all times.
Late March through to May for spring flowers and birdsong.