Best time to see: Oct to mid Apr
Key facts
Attractive dabbling duck that winters in large numbers in UK, with a few breeding here
Breed on coastal marshes; winter mainly on the coast, moving inland to feed on meadows
Widespread and numerous winter visitor from Iceland, Scandinavia and Russia
Male: pale grey with black and white rear and chestnut head with gold crown; female cinnamon with delicate head; 45 cm
Grazes or dabbles to feed on grass, eelgrass and other aquatic vegetation; forms large flocks during the winter
Rise straight out of the water together when disturbed; flight strong and quick, usually in tight formation
Drakes give their whistling call when courting, and stand guard over the ducks during incubation
Nest is a lined hollow on the ground near water; one brood of 7-8 creamy eggs, May–June
© Owen Keen
© Alan Williams