Best time to see: all year
Key facts
Smallest British duck, commonly seen dabbling along shorelines
Breeding habitat, undisturbed water bodies surrounded by plenty of cover; otherwise, fresh water and estuaries
Common and widespread in Britain, a few pairs breeding in Essex on reservoirs and grazing marsh and along river valleys
Male has chestnut and green head, yellow rear end and white flank stripe; female is mottled brown and buff; 35 cm
Form groups dabbling at water's edge, eating aquatic vegetation and seeds
Flight strong and fast, often wheeling in small tight flocks; when disturbed, catapult themselves up into the air
Nest is a lined hollow hidden in marsh or reeds, sometimes a long distance from water
One brood of 8–12 creamy buff eggs April to May; incubated by duck only, who also looks after the ducklings
© Tony Gunton
© Tony Gunton