Best time to see: Jul to mid Aug
Key facts
Distinctive chequered black and white butterfly
Habitat: tall unimproved (i.e. not ploughed or fertilised) grassland, commonest on chalk and limestone
Restricted mainly to southern and western Britain with scattered colonies elsewhere, including a very few in Essex
Clear cut black and white chequered pattern on upperwing, less distinct on underwing, which also has eyespots
Lives in colonies with strictly defined boundaries
Flaps lazily above the grassheads, alighting often to bask or feed on tall flowers like knapweed; wingspan c.5 cm
Spherical white eggs dropped singly into patches of tall grass in July/August
Caterpillars hibernate almost right away and pupate when full grown the following June, adults emerging in July
Green or pale brown caterpillars hide by day and climb grasses at night to feed
© Owen Keen
© Tony Gunton