Best time to see: all year
Key facts
Smallest British grebe of lakes and reservoirs
Breeds on well vegetated lakes, rivers and ponds; occurs during winter in coastal areas
Widespread and common resident; some continental birds visit in winter
In summer has rust-red cheeks, neck and throat with yellow spot at base of bill; in winter paler, buffy colour; 23–25 cm
Swims and dives for small fish, insects, crustaceans and molluscs; only flies occasionally
Pattering take-off leads to weak flight, with neck stretched out low and legs trailing behind
In courtship, pairs sing a trilling song to one another on the water, and also scuffle and chase
Nest is a floating mound of vegetation in water; two broods April – July; 4-6 white eggs
Dives to catch fish; also eats snails, molluscs and small insects
© Alan Williams
© Alan Williams